Additional Concepts
Additional concepts that are handy to know
Well-named and structured interactions are essential for maintaining consistency and ease of management in your Webflow projects. To simplify organization, we recommend using a structured naming format for all interactions:
[Category] + [Element] + [Action]
Category: Defines the broad purpose or section of the interaction (e.g., Navigation, FAQ, Testimonial).
Element: Specifies the section, div, button, or element where the interaction is applied.
Action: Describes the behavior or trigger (e.g., Open, Close, Hover On, Scroll).
This approach ensures that interactions are easy to discover and manage within Webflow’s interactions UI.
Example Interaction Names:
Navigation Button Hover On Adds a hover effect to a button in the navigation.
FAQ Section Scroll Triggers an animation when the FAQ section scrolls into view.
Testimonial Carousel Next Slide Advances to the next slide in a testimonial carousel when a button is clicked.
Webflow components offer exciting possibilities for future component-based development, thanks to features like slots and variants. However, there are currently some limitations you should be aware of:
Slots Restrictions: Slots cannot be added inside forms or link blocks, which means creating form components or button components is not yet possible.
Slot Exclusivity: Only components can be added into slots. For example, if a button requires an icon, that icon must first be converted into a component.
While these limitations exist, components are still a powerful tool and a promising feature for scalable, modular development.
When adding transitions, avoid using transition-all
. While convenient, this can lead to performance issues and animation bugs because it forces browsers to repaint the entire UI during animations. Instead Target specific properties (e.g., transition: opacity 0.3s ease;
) to optimize performance.
Custom Code
Take your Webflow projects to the next level with Flowbase Boosters—a free Webflow app that provides a range of attribute-based code solutions. Boosters include features like:
GSAP Animations
Before & After Sliders
And much more!
Best of all, Boosters is completely free for the Webflow community, empowering designers and developers with advanced capabilities that integrate seamlessly into their projects.
Useful Shortcuts
Webflow has some awesome shortcuts that help speedup development. We use these shortcuts every day.
Unwrap element
ctrl + shift + g
Wrap element in div
ctrl + alt + a
Search & add element
ctrl + e
Focus class selector
ctrl + enter
Rename class
ctrl + shift + enter
Duplicate class
ctrl + alt + enter
Add vertical or horizontal margin/padding
alt + drag / click
Add all sides margin/padding
shift + drag / click
Move to parent element,
arrow ↑
Move to child element
arrow ↓
Move to sibling elements
arrow ←→
alt + p
Change device widths
You can see all shortcuts by pressing "Shift + /".
Last updated