Learn about paragraphs and how to use them in the Base System
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Learn about paragraphs and how to use them in the Base System
Last updated
Paragraphs form the main body text of your website. The Base System provides five different paragraph sizes, ranging from Extra Small to Extra Large. Paragraphs use the Body Heading variable
Paragraph X Large
20px / 1.25rem
Paragraph Large
18px / 1.1125rem
Paragraph Regular
16px / 1rem
Paragraph Small
14px / 0.875rem
Paragraph X Small
12px / 0.75rem
The Paragraph element is ideal for long-form text, as it helps search engines and assistive technologies recognize the content as a paragraph. In contrast, the Text Block is better suited for short text, such as labels, captions, or names. The primary distinction between the two lies in their styling inheritance: Paragraph elements inherit styles from the "All Paragraphs" selector, while Text Blocks inherit styles from the body.
Body (All Pages)
When styling the body, it is recommended to set the font color to your Primary Text Color variable and the font size to 16px. Matching the default body styles to your "Paragraph Regular" class can eliminate the need to add extra classes when using regular paragraphs.
All Paragraphs
We do not recommend adding styles to the "All Paragraphs" selector, rather letting it inherit styles from the body. This way our text blocks and paragraph elements will look the same and can be used interchangeably. Styling the 'All Paragraphs' font color will also prevent paragraph elements from inheriting font color from any parent.
If you need a unique styles, text modifiers can be added as combo classes to dynamically adjust styles such as text color, font weight, and alignment. Learn more about Text Modifiers.
Your websites body text may call for different font weights, colors, line heights and letter spacing etc. As with everything in the Base System, you are encouraged to customize these classes to suit your design needs.
Typically, designs will have body text that is a lighter color than the headings. Adding a text color as a combo class to every paragraph element can quickly become a burdensome experience. We often find it easier to set a font color on paragraph classes. This means your paragraph elements wont inherit any colors but you can add text color combo classes for those situations.